AggieMentors is the local chapter of EnvironMentors , a national college-access program housed within the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE).
Established in 2009 as one of the first West Coast participants its mission is to expose underrepresented high school students to higher education. The goal of the program is to provide access to secondary education for rural as well as urban underrepresented high school youth from the greater Sacramento region.
What makes us so unique?
AggieMentors started out in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences and expanded its program in the year 2011 to the College of Engineering to address the need for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education.
One of the unique attributes of the UC Davis chapter is its multi-faceted emphasis on different education levels: graduate, undergraduate and high school students.
Over the course of the 9-month program, graduate and undergraduate students guide high school students through hands-on research projects. The projects vary in scope and are tailored to the graduate student's own research area of expertise. Research is performed at UC Davis campus.
In addition the student teams are engaged in field trips and attend a scientific research methods workshop series.
The program culminates in the participation of the competitive AggieMentors Fair held on UC Davis campus. The winning candidates of our local AggieMentors Fair, selected by volunteering independent professionals and faculty, will advance to the national EnvironMentors Fair in Washington DC to compete for college scholarships and monetary prizes.
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University of California Davis
One Shields Avenue
95616 Davis, CA
email: pvanbenthem@ucdavis.edu