Adeline, Karine
Adeline, Karine
Karine is a post-doctoral researcher in the CSTARS lab, UC Davis. She is currently working in the team of the NASA HyspIRI Preparatory Science initiative. Her research focuses on the inversion of canopy leaf biochemical traits by means of radiative transfer modeling for biodiversity assessment and ecological issues induced by climate change over different ecosystems - drought monitoring and temporal change dynamics. Vegetation species, structural composition and spatial distribution are studied as potential factors impacting data scaling from ground measurements to the remote sensing pixel.
She has an engineering and master degree in Signal/Image processing, then a PhD in remote sensing and radiative transfer. Her previous work was dedicated to the impact of shadows in presence of trees in remote sensing for both (i) land cover mapping, dealing with atmospheric correction issues at very high spatial resolution with hyperspectral airborne imagery and (ii) land surface radiation budget estimation by using 3D radiative transfer modeling of trees in urban environments. Her passion is to understand the physics behind the remote sensing signal acquisition at different scales and its relationship with the retrieval of essential climate variables. This also includes the design of new sensors and she participated to the evaluation of the French HYPXIM hyperspectral spaceborne sensor to estimate and map soil perennial properties such as clay content.
Selected publications, communications in conferences, proceedings and posters
Adeline K.R.M., C. Gomez, J.-M. Roger and N. Gorretta. Predictive ability of soil properties to spectral degradation from laboratory Vis-NIR spectroscopy data. Geoderma. In review.
Adeline K.R.M. and X. Briottet. Urban land cover mapping with hyperspectral airborne data at very high spatial resolution: the challenges for atmospheric correction in shaded areas. RAQRS, 22-26th Sept. 2014, Valencia, Spain, poster.
Adeline K.R.M., X. Briottet, J.-P. Gastellu-Etchegorry and S. Levebvre. ICARE-VEG: a new atmospheric correction method dedicated to the improvement of material reflectance retrieval in shadows cast by isolated trees. GV2M, 3-7th Feb. 2014, Avignon, France, poster.
Adeline K.R.M., M. Chen, X. Briottet, S.-K. Pan and N. Paparoditis (2013). Shadow detection in very high spatial aerial images: a comparative study. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 80: 21-38.
Adeline K.R.M., A. Le Bris, F. Coubard, X. Briottet, N. Paparoditis, F. Viallefont, N. Rivière, J.-P. Papelard, D. Nicolas, P. Déliot, J. Duffaut, L. Poutier, P.-Y. Foucher, V. Achard, J.-P. Souchon, C. Thom, S. Airault and G. Maillet (2013). Description de la campagne aéroportée UMBRA : étude de l'impact anthropique sur les écosystèmes urbains et naturels avec des images THR multispectrales et hyperspectrales - Urban Material characterization in the sun and shade of Built-up structures and trees and their Retrieval from Airborne image acquisitions over two French cities (UMBRA). Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, 202: 79-92.
Adeline K.R.M., X. Briottet, N. Paparoditis and J.-P. Gastellu-Etchegorry. Material reflectance retrieval in urban tree shadows with physics-based empirical atmospheric correction. JURSE, 31-23th April 2013, São Paulo, Brazil, speaker and proceeding, pp. 279-283.
Adeline K.R.M., X. Briottet and N. Paparoditis. Material reflectance retrieval in shadow due to urban vegetation from 3D lidar data and hyperspectral airborne imagery. 32nd EARSeL symposium, 31-24th May 2012, Mykonos, Greece, speaker and proceeding, Journal of Advances in Geoscience, pp. 308-317.