- Remote Sensing
- Radiative Transfer Modelling of vegetation
- Airborne Laser Scanning
- River Hydraulics

Casas Planes, Ãngeles
Ãngeles Casas Planes
Research Interests:
My current research focuses on:
- Integration of Remotely Sensed Data applied to vegetated ecosystem research.
- Structural characterization of burned forest using ALS for wildlife species-habitat assessment.
- Biophysical and biochemical retrieval of vegetation parameters from Imaging Spectroscopy.
Casas A, Riaño D, Ustin SL, Dennison P, Salas J. (2014) Estimation of water-related biochemical and biophysical vegetation properties using multitemporal airborne data and its comparison to MODIS spectral response. Remote Sensing of Environment, 148, 28-41. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2014.03.011
Casas A, Riaño D, Greenberg J and Ustin S. (2011).Assessing levee stability with geometric parameters derived from airbone LIDAR. Remote Sensing of Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.10.003
Casas A, Lane SN, Yu D, and Benito G. (2010). A method for parameterising roughness and topographic sub-grid scale effects in hydraulic modelling from LiDAR data, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1567-1579, doi:10.5194
Casas, M. A., S. N. Lane, R. J. Hardy, G. Benito, and P. J. Whiting (2010), Reconstruction of subgrid-scale topographic variability and its effect upon the spatial structure of three-dimensional river flow, Water Resour. Res., 46, W03519, doi:10.1029/2009WR007756.
Thorndycraft V.R., Barriendos M., Benito G., Rico M. and Casas A. (2006). The catastrophic floods of A.D.1617 in Catalonia (NE Spain) and their climatic context. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 51, 899-912.
Casas A., Benito G., Thorndycraft V.R. and Rico M. (2006). The topographic data source of digital terrain models as a key element in the accuracy of hydraulic flood modelling. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 31, 444-456.
Thorndycraft V.R., Benito G., Rico M., Sánchez-Moya Y., Sopeña A. and Casas A. (2005). A long-term flood discharge record derived from slackwater flood deposits of the Llobregat River, NE Spain. Journal of Hydrology. 313, 16-31.
Thorndycraft V.R., Benito G., Walling D.E., Sopeña A., Sánchez-Moya Y., Rico M. and Casas A. (2005). Caesium-137 dating applied to slackwater flood deposits of the Llobregat River, N.E. Spain. Catena, 59, 305-318.
Thorndycraft V.R, Benito G., Rico M., Sánchez-Moya Y., Sopeña A. and Casas A. (2004). A Late Holocene palaeoflood record from slackwater flood deposits of the Llobregat River, NE Spain. Journal Geological Society of India, 64, 549-559.