Student Interns
NAME | CSTARS | Education | Current Position | Contact |
Aparacio, Monica | Student Intern | |
Au, Vivian | Student Intern | vnau@ucdavis.edu | ||
Bonifacio, Charmaine | Student Intern | B.S. Environmental Science & Management, UC Davis | maine_bonifacio@yahoo.com | |
Chu, Gabriel | Student Intern | B.S. Chemistry, UC Davis; M.S. Chemistry, San Francisco State University | gkchu88@gmail.com | |
Darling, Ryan | Student Intern | Davis Senior High School | ryan@sbcglobal.net | |
Duncan, Emily | Student Intern | eduncan13@gmail.com | ||
Engle, Timothy | Student Intern | B.S. Soil and Water Sciences, UC Davis | engle.timothy@gmail.com | |
Fan, Siqi | Student Intern | B.S. Environmental Engineering, UC Davis; M.S. Hydrologic Science | Engineer Scientist in Coler & Colantonio Inc. | sfan@ucdavis.edu. |
Gebhardt, Steffen | Student Intern | University of Bonn, Germany | Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE) & Comision National de Biodiversidad (CONABIO), Mexico City | gebhardt.steffen@gmail.com |
Hon, Emily | Student Intern | B.S. Environmental Biology & Management; | Customer Projects Planner, San Diego Gas & Electric | eyhom6@gmail.com |
Lue, Anna | Student Intern | B.S. Hydrology; | annaclue@gmail.com | |
M.S. Hydrology, Boise State University | ||||
Menendez, Demelza | Student Intern | Biologist | dmenendezv@yahoo.es | |
Ramirez-Zapien, Johana | Student Intern | jrzapien@ucdavis.edu | ||
Tran, Sinzee | Student Intern | B.S. Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering, UC Davis | General Contractor, San Francisco | sintran@ucdavis.edu |
Walai, Nargis | Student Intern |
B.S. Environmental Science & Management, UC Davis |
Yu, Pai Hui | Student Intern | B.S. Environmental Science & Management, UC Davis | paihuiyu@gmail.com | |
Zheng, Nancy | Student Intern | B.S. Environmental Science & Management, UC Davis | nnzheng@ucdavis.edu |