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Ustin, Susan
Curriculum Vitae
Research Staff
Whiting, Michael
Hart, Quinn
Koltunov, Alexander
Riaño, David
Education and Outreach Program Coordinator
Pia van Benthem
Technical Staff
Scheer, George J.
Lay, Mui
Shapiro, Kristen
Merz, Justin
Postdoctoral Scholars
Casas Planes, Ãngeles
Khanna, Shruti
Roth, Keely
Huesca, Margarita
Qi, Yi
Adeline, Karine
Huesca, Margarita
Santos, Maria
Hestir, Erin
Peñuelas, Josep
Cheng, Tao
Zhang, Minghua
Greenberg, Jonathan
Gertz, Michael
Vanderbilt, Vern
Chen, Shu-Hua
Brown, Patrick
Ludaescher, Bertram
Snyder, Richard
Quinn, James
Schladow, Geoff
Sandoval Solis, Samuel
Dennison, Phillip
Li, Lin
Roberts, Dar
Kokaly, Raymond
Ramirez, Carlos
Harris, David
Smart, David
Hunt, E. Raymond
Yi Qi
Graduate Students
Mathews, Spencer
Tuil, JayLee
Visiting Scholars
Zarate, Jose Luis
Visiting Scholars
Former Students and Post Doctoral Fellows
Student Interns
Visiting Scholars
Undergraduate Students
Babatunde, Oluwapelumi
Tepayote, Quetzlyn
Hendel, Benjamin
Liang, Qiran
Research Projects
Current Projects
Education and Outreach
Environmental Hazards and Disaster Response
Near Real Time Science Processing Algorithm for Live Fuel Moisture Content for MODIS Direct Readout System
Ecological Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill on Wetland Plant Communities
Impact of Hurricane Issac on Recovery of Saltmarshes Affected by the BP Oil Spill
Application of the ACASA model for urban development studies
Modeling regional climate change and urban planning scenarios and their impacts in the urban environment on two cities with WRF-ACASA
Regional simulations of urban metabolism and climate with WRF-ACASA
Early Fire Detection from Space
Landscape Ecology
Remote Sensing to Exploit Environmental and Socioeconomic Data to Better Classify and Predict Land Cover Change
Leaf Anatomy and Canopy Spectroscopy Studies
Hydrology and Watershed Assessment
Detection of diurnal variations in orchard canopy water content using MASTER imagery
Impact of riparian trees upon the stability of levees using airborne LiDAR and hyperspectral sensors
Precision Irrigation-From Leaf to Airborne
Detection of diurnal variations in orchard canopy water content using MASTER imagery
Modeling Evapotranspiration of Almond Orchards using MODIS/ASTER (MASTER) Imagery and the METRIC Model
Light interception and leaf area index prediction from multispectral images
Time Series of Landsat Imagery to Evaluate Canopy Variation Over Multiple Seasons
Regional estimates of crop evapotranspiration for almonds using the WRF-ACASA model
Ecosystem Function and Structure
Quantitative mapping of surface soil moisture with hyperspectral imagery using the HYSOMA Interface
Modeling Evapotranspiration of Almond Orchards using MODIS/ASTER (MASTER) Imagery and the METRIC Model
Sensor Calibration
Vicarious Calibration for NASA Facility E-MAS, MAS and MASTER Images
Past Projects
Environmental Hazards and Disaster Response
Landscape Ecology
Hyperspectral analysis to detect and map tree decline at Ft. Benning, GA
Phenological Impact of Selective Logging in Amazonian Tropical Forests
Vegetation and animal distributions in the Somuncura Plateau, Patagonia, Argentina
Assessing spread and persistence of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation using hyperspectral remote sensing
Determining the Factors Controlling Site Invasibility to Lepidium latifolium
NEON prototype airborne mission over Bodega Bay Transect
Remote Sensing of Bioindicators for Forest Health
Coast-to-Mountain Environmental Transect (COMET)
Leaf and Canopy Spectroscopy Studies
Estimation canopy structural parameters from airborne Lidar to use in PROSAIL modeling
Hyperspectral Analysis to Detect and Map Tree Decline at Ft. Benning, GA
Hydrology and Watershed Assessment
Assessing the Spread and Persistence of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing of Lake Tahoe's Near Shore Environment
Brazilian Waterweed Success in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Trends in Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Water Clarity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
A Summary of MODIS Water Content
Precision Farming Field Studies for Cotton Harvest Aid Chemical Management
Determination of Crop Residue Cover Using Field Spectroscopy
Spatial Interpolation of Reference Evapotranspiration for California
Remote Sensing Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Ecosystem Function and Structure
Use of Image Spectroscopy to Inform Functional Roles of Native and Non-native Invasive Submersed Aquatic Plants
Quantifying Surface Soil and Biological Crust
Multitemporal habitat use: a case study with Eurasian and American badgers in Mediterranean oak woodlands
Education and Outreach
Student Successes
Program Organization
California Space Grant Consortium
Project Fact Sheets
California Science Teacher Conference 2013
National Science Teacher Association Conference 2014
Earth Observation Day
Remote Sensing Certificate
Science Olympiad
Sierra to the Sea
UC Davis ASSURE Program
Principal Investigator
UC Davis Collaborators
UC Davis Affiliate
NASA Ames UAS Program
Classroom Lectures
Internet Links
Data and Tutorials
News and Events
News Archive
Job Announcements
Research Projects
Past Projects
Hydrology and Watershed Assessment
Assessing the Spread and Persistence of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
Assessing the Spread and Persistence of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
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