Classroom Lectures
Courses in Environmental Science and Management (ESM)
ESM-185. Aerial Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing (4 units)
Lecture—2 hours; laboratory—4 hours. Prerequisite: upper division standing. Basics of remote sensing and photogrammetry, grids and map projections, aerial photo interpretation, sensors and platforms for aerial and space photography and non-photographic imaging systems, aerial thermography,microwave sensing, and introduction to remote sensing applications. -I. (I.) Syllabus
ESM-186. Environmental Remote Sensing (3 units)
Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: Mathematics 16 Band Physics 7C or 9B; upper division standing. Overview of satellite, airborne, and ground-based remote sensing. Building on properties of EM Radiation,isotropic and non-isotropic scattering and absorption, examines applications in hydrologic processes ,weather and climate, ecology and land use, soils, geology, forestry, and agriculture. Formerly Environmental and Resource Sciences 186. GE credit: QL, SE, VL.—II. (II.) Ustin. Download Syllabus here.
ESM-186L. Environmental Remote Sensing Lab (2 units)
Laboratory—6 hours, concurrent enrollment in ESM186. Computer based analysis and visualization of digital images and image processing techniques. Hands-on experience in digital image processing. GE credit:QL, SE, SL, VL.—III. (III.) Ustin (download Syllabus & download Lab Manual here)
ESM-286. Selected Topics in Environmental Remote Sensing (3 units)
Discussion—2 hours; lecture—1 hour; project. Prerequisite: consent on instructor; Environmental and Resource Sciences 186 or equivalent required; Environmental and Resource Sciences 186L recommended.In depth investigation of advanced topics in remote sensing applications, measurements, and theory. May be repeated for credit. Not offered every year.—III. (III.) Ustin