Chen, Shu-Hua
Shu-Hua Chen
Shu-Hua Chen is an Assistant Professor of Meteorology and Assistant Meteorologist at the University of California Davis, Davis, CA.
Research Interests
Regional climate, air pollution, model development, severe weather, cumulus parameterization, data assimilation and numerical schemes.
Selected Publications
1. Chen, S.-H. 1999. The application of the multigrid method in a nonhydrostaticatmospheric model. http://www.mgnet.org/mgnet.org/mgnet-ccmm99.html. 10 pp.
2. Chen, S-H. 2002. A one-dimensional time dependent cloud model. Journal of theMeteorological Society of Japan, Vol. 80(1):99-118.
3. Chen, S.-H., and W.-Y. Sun. 2001. The applications of the Multigrid method and aflexible hybrid coordinate in a nonhydrostatic model. Mon. Wea. Rev. 129:26602676.
4. Chen, S.-H., F. Vandenberghe, G.W. Petty, and J.F. Bresch. Application of SSM/Isatellite data to a hurricane simulation. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. In press.
5. Chen, S.-H., and Y.-L. Lin. 2003. Orographic effects on a conditionally unstable flowover an idealized three-dimentional mesoscale mountain. Meteor. Atmos. Sci. Inpress.
6. Hong, S.-Y., J. Dudhia, and S.-H. Chen. A new ice-microphysical process for acommonly used bulk parameterization of cloud and precipitation. Mon. Wea. Rev. Inpress.
Email: shachen@ucdavis.edu
Office: 235 Hoagland Hall
Phone: 530-752-1822 Fax: 530-752-1793